Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Summer Kids Clothes Week 2015

Where does the time go. I seem to be missing a few days somewhere... make that months! Someone told me that time gets faster the older you get but I didn't realized they meant warp speed. When I reflect (when I have time to reflect) to account for how I spent my time, it never seems like much. I guess life is just busy. I had a YIKES moment today when I realized that the Kids Clothes Week Challenge for this summer starts next Monday. I haven't even posted most of my Spring KCW stuff yet. I guess I need to get my tush in gear and get caught up. 
I debated skipping this KCW but determined that is not an option. Not that my kiddo's are in need of summer clothes (or items for traveling) but because if I don't get started on back-to-school clothes I will never get them done in time. This is a crazy short summer break this year (not that I'm complaining), we only have 1 1/2 months left till my oldest returns to school. 

Well, time to work on my "Make It" list. Thanks for stopping by the nest!


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